On November 1st Ying Kong and Menglong Liu started their PhD projects on CO2 electroreduction in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group.

Welcome Ying and Menglong!
Interfacial Electrochemistry Group
Prof. Dr. Peter Broekmann
On November 1st Ying Kong and Menglong Liu started their PhD projects on CO2 electroreduction in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group.
Welcome Ying and Menglong!
On the 15th of July 2019 Nisarga Mysuru started her Master project in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group.
Welcome Nisarga!
On the 6th of May 2019 Changzhe Sun started his PhD project in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group.
Welcome Changzhe!
On the 4th of March 2019 Huifang Hu started her PhD project in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group.
Welcome Huifang!