Xin Yu started his PhD project in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group in December 2023.

Welcome Xin Yu!
Interfacial Electrochemistry Group
Prof. Dr. Peter Broekmann
Xin Yu started his PhD project in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group in December 2023.
Welcome Xin Yu!
Xin Wang started his work as a visiting scientist in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group in November 2023.
Welcome Xin Wang!
Mario García-Rodríguez started his work as a exchange PhD student in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group in September 2023.
Welcome Mario!
On the 8th of September 2023, Ying Kong successfully defended her PhD thesis “Degradation Pathways of Zero-gap Electrolyzer Systems for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction “.
Congratulations to Ying Kong!
On August 17th the Broekmann group went for a hiking tour to the famous Oeschinensee. The weather was almost perfect that day, mostly cloudy but sometimes rainy. The biggest attractions were the swimming activities in the alpine lake Oeschinensee and the view of the Alps. A particular highlight of the excursion was the BBQ activity by the lake, enabled us to enjoy the food as well as the view.
Valery Rauchwerger started her apprenticeship as Lab Technician in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group in August 2023.
Welcome Valery!
Liliana Gálvez Vázquez started her PhD project in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group in May 2023.
Welcome Liliana!
On the 24th of Febuary 2023, Huifang Hu successfully defended her PhD thesis “Activity, Selectivity and Stability of Colloidal Silver Catalysts for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Reaction“.
Congratulations to Huifang!
Yaqiang Li started his work as a exchange PhD student in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group in December 2022.
Welcome Yaqiang!
Jonas Simon Forner started his work as a Master student in the Interfacial Electrochemistry Group in February 2023.
Welcome Jonas!