Dmitry Vasilyev, Erfan Shirzadi, Alexander Rudnev, Peter Broekmann, Paul J Dyson
Pyrazolium Ionic Liquid Co-catalysts for the Electroreduction of CO2
ACS Applied Energy Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b01086
International Summer School
International Summer School on
Power to X: Fundamentals and Applications of Modern Electrosynthesis
Villars-sur-Ollon, August 27 – 31, 2018
70 people from industry and academia participated in the International Summer School: Power to X in Villars-sur-Ollon (August 27 – 31).
In the focus of the lectures and discussion were various topics related to the so-called ‘energy transition’ (Energiewende) including CO2 capture, CO2 conversion and alternative concepts of storing the surplus of renewable electricity in form of value added chemicals.
The Best Exam Result

New Paper Published
Pavel Moreno-García, Valentine Grimaudo, Andreas Riedo, Alena Cedeño López, Reto Wiesendanger, Marek Tulej, Cynthia Gruber, Emanuel Lörtscher, Peter Wurz, and Peter Broekmann
Insights into Laser Ablation Processes of Heterogeneous Samples: Toward Analysis of Through-Silicon-Vias
Anal. Chem (2018)
New Paper Published
Thomas Wyss Balmer, Soma Vesztergom, Peter Broekmann, Andreas Stahel and Philippe Büchler
Characterization of the electrical conductivity of bone and its correlation to osseous structure
Scientific Reports
New Paper Published
Valentine Grimaudo, Pavel Moreno-García, Alena Cedeño López, Andreas Riedo, Reto Wiesendanger, Marek Tulej, Cynthia Gruber, Emanuel Lörtscher, Peter Wurz, and Peter Broekmann
Depth Profiling and Cross-Sectional Laser Ablation Ionization Mass Spectrometry Studies of Through-Silicon-Vias
Anal. Chem (2018)
New Paper Published
Yongchun Fu, Maria R. Ehrenburg, Peter Broekmann, Alexander V. Rudnev Surface Structure Sensitivity of CO2 Electroreduction on Low‐Index Gold Single Crystal Electrodes in Ionic Liquids
ChemElectroChem 5(5) (2018) 748-752
DOI: 10.1002/celc.201701209
New Paper Published
V. Grimaudo, P. Moreno-García, A. Cedeño López, A. Riedo, R. Wiesendanger, M. Tulej, C. Gruber, E. Lörtscher, P. Wurz and P. Broekmann Combining Anisotropic Etching and PDMS Casting for Three-Dimensional Analysis of Laser Ablation Processes
Analytical chemistry (2018)
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b04539